Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Action Gallery | US Uncut - Montage of events!!

Action Gallery | US Uncut

Videos and pictures.

I noticed a "curious" thing watching this. Most people when expressing how they feel about TAX DODGERS and the social cuts and the REASON for the United States crisis ...

TOUCH THEIR HEARTS WITH HANDS !! Have a watch of nearly any of these videos and you will see it. We are "givers" trying to shame the "takers" - and looking the wonder archive I think you'll agree we are doing a fabulous job !!
Over the weekend over 100 actions were held in large and small towns. The corporate tax cheats were told - there will be consequences for bankrupting our country.

This weekend was a total success.

 Together, we are changing the way Americans think about taxes. More and more people are realizing how corporate tax cheats have avoided paying their fair share while the rest of us face budget cuts.

There's still a long way to go - and we have our work cut out for us. but we are continuing to work together to make change, real change, happen.

We're looking forward to updating you about what's next for US Uncut, and to hearing about how we can work together to keep building this incredible movement.

US Uncut is something special - and we thank all the organizations and individuals working with us.

We sincerely hope that includes YOU.

Added on Wed Apr 20th 2011, 2:50am UTC

MORE MORE MORE MORE at the link above. Please watch, look and learn from each other.
I'm loving it!

1 comment:

  1. Video of the event is up here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8nrzkrorYsc
