Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Austerity Psychosis Gripts Washington DC: Webster Tarpley


with Webster Tarpley
Bonnie Faulkner
Guns and Butter
April 20, 2011
Obama’s budget speech at George Washington University on April 13th, 2011; the Fiscal 2011 Budget Resolution causes a revolt in Washington, D.C.; the Independent Payment Advisory Board as a death panel; House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s genocidal Budget Resolution for the year 2012; Medicare and Medicaid under bipartisan attack; PIMCO sells the US short; and speculators drive up the price of oil.

Guns and Butter
The link will take you there

April 20, 2011
What You Need To Know To Save Your Ass – Part 2 by Mark A. Goldman
Who Really Benefits from the “American Dream”? by Marie Owens
Stripmining America-Unpatriotically by Ralph Nader
What You Need to Know to Save Your Ass by Mark A. Goldman
Inflation Hits Money and Lies by Joel S. Hirschhorn
The Economy Sucks and or Collapse 2

Obama Delivers Republican Arguments

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