Thursday, April 7, 2011

~ Billionaires Thank Legislators ~

Keeping the Billionaire’s effective tax rate at 8.8% on all of us and all our dears friends with incomes over $481,439 is a higher priority than frivolous programs such as education, healthcare, mass transit, parks, roads as well as those other silly worries such as libraries and  rehab/mental health services.    Isn’t this obvious?

It is to feel tired thinking of such things, we’ll tell you that for free. 

The middle class really ought pay  their 12.5% rate because there are more people in the middle class!  We don’t feel it necessary to help them out; afterall who hires them?  We do.

The government must cut back.  And we, the clever ones that we are,, know the reasons why:

  • We have too many highly paid teachers and social workers.  There is no reason for them to not have bigger classes and heavier case loads.   None at all.
  • There are just too many libraries in Minnesota.  Let’s take a mass of them to the fiscal chopping block.
  • We don’t need mass transit.  Walking is good.
  • Health care is an individual responsibility and two-tiered healthcare cuts down on our waiting lines.  We must never be kept waiting, you know.
  • There are just too many parks and bike trails and maintaining them is so tediously expensive.   So we know Mother Nature should take care of it.
  • People should fix their own potholes – that’s not a government job.  We want our federal highways maintained so we can get to our cottage estates faster, that is all.

Again, we cannot thank Minnesota politicians enough for keeping our tax rate lower than the middle and lower classes! 

We certainly love the suggestion made in the tax committee that NO corporate taxes should be paid so that we can keep our organizations here in Minnesota.  Wasn’t that just nifty of them?

Lovely people, contact us at  Our favorite chant is:

CUT !!      CUT!!      CUT!!      CUT!!      CUT!!      CUT!!

We are Minnesota’s most enlightened group.  Afterall, we have all that lovely money, don’t we? We must have done something right.

Show some compassion and charity where it truly counts because with YOUR help we can keep the donations rolling into the legislators to continue pushing our agenda for the State of Minnesota. 

Thanking you in advance for your kind help,
We remain,
Your Fortunate Few

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