Thursday, April 21, 2011

Citizens Object To Corporations Not Paying Share of Taxes: Mpls, The Uptake

Rallies were held in cities all over the country during Tax Day, yesterday, to protest the fact that many large corporations pay no taxes, and even get huge tax rebates. A Minneapolis group organized by targeted Wells Fargo with $5.147 billion in unpaid taxes, Bank of America with $4 billion unpaid taxes and Fed Ex with $420 million in unpaid taxes.

Organizers say: “the pain of the economic crisis we’re in has fallen mainly on poor and middle-class Americans, while billions in tax breaks, loopholes and handouts for corporations remain untouched. … And the looming fights over the debt ceiling and the 2012 budget will only make this dynamic worse unless Congress and President Obama seek a broad and vocal movement to hold corporations accountable.”

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