Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dayton and DFL should compromise with MNGOP, but not on taxes


Dayton and DFL should compromise with MNGOP, but not on taxes

As the legislative session moves toward its conclusion, budget negotiations are just around the corner. We all know that compromises will need to be made, but the DFL must not compromise on its principles, and that means taking certain things off the table.
There’s room to compromise on the budget, but not on taxes. Dayton and the DFL should take off the table any budget that does not include tax increases on the richest Minnesotans. Any budget with no new revenues is simply a non-starter and should not even be considered.
After all, Mark Dayton was elected on a platform of raising taxes on the rich, and that’s what Minnesotans expect him to do. Dayton can’t keep his campaign promise if he compromises on taxes, so he should reject any and every GOP offer that does not accept his plan to get the rich to pay their fair share.
(MNGOP apologists, do you think this sounds idiotic? Because “there’s room to compromise, but not on taxes” is exactly what Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch said in an interview with MPR yesterday.)


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