Sunday, April 24, 2011

End Corporate Personhood - The Petition Site

End Corporate Personhood - The Petition Site

In January 2010, the Supreme Court ruled that Corporations have the same first Amendment rights as any individual American, essentially establishing corporate personhood. Corporations are not people, they are entities and thus should be treated as such.

The Petition:

We the undersigned request that you enact legislation which ends corporate personhood and money as free-speech (as ruled by the Supreme Court in Citizens United v. FEC) and which clearly defines a person as "a single living human being, as distinguished from a group or entity." Corporations are not people, they do not function in that same way as individual human beings. They are not beholden to the same laws, they cannot serve jury duty or go to prison. They are not living, breathing beings; they cannot fall in love or get married or have/raise children. Corporations have but one goal, to make profit; whereas people have many goals. Therefore, corporations should not have the same rights as individual people. We are trusting you, our government, to honor the Constitution, which promises a government of, by, and for the people not a government of, by, and for the corporations, by putting the rights and well-being of the people before the wants and whims of the corporations.

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