Saturday, April 16, 2011

~ Reminder of the Day: R.I.P. Medgar Evers ~

Give it a good read before MAKE THEM PAY action day!  We can end the crime, the corruption, and the social unacceptability of putting profit$ before people ...

". . . Evers applied to the then-segregated University of Mississippi Law School in February 1954. When his application was rejected, Evers filed a lawsuit against the university, and became the focus of an NAACP campaign to desegregate the school, a case aided by theUnited States Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education 347 U.S. 483 that segregation was unconstitutional. That same year, due to his involvement, the NAACP's National Office suggested he become Mississippi’s first field secretary for the NAACP."

Do you know who Emmit Till is? 

Do you know there are towns in America right now, and people who are still living who spent there weekends at lynch a ****** night? And they are not in jail and my muthafucking tax dollars are paying their social security?

Click the image to open in full size.

Click the image to open in full size.

Have you seen Eyes on the Prize?

Do know who Megar Evers is?

Do you know about those 4 Little Girls?

Do you know that black folk were left to die in the 9th Ward during Hurricane Katrina after the levies broke?

Do you know who Ellenor Bumpers is?

How about Armado Diallo? Patrick Dorsemond...

Do you know that your people were brought here on slave ships robbed of your name and your culture so much so that you had to adopt a new name and culture and the very roots you defend for others were taken from you as you are more than likely a result of the rape and pillage of your people?

Your ignorant ass is about to get me to crying up in here. Not for them but for YOU.Read...and not LSA!...
Bytch puhleassee, you want a muthafukkin history lesson the let's have it...

Emmett Till ( the correct spelling) son of Louis Till and Mamie Till Bradley Mobley a school teacher from Chicago, Illinois sent by his mother to spend the summer in Mississippi with his uncle Moses Wright. Till not being very familiar with the unwritten rules of the south was at a store one day dared by his cousin and several other youth to whistle at a woman Carolyn Bryant. Taken from his uncle's house in the wee hours of the morning to a shed where he was beaten and shot and tied to a cotton gin which sank him to the bottom of the Tallahatchie River. His mother insisted on an open casket to "show the world what they had done to her boy". Did you also know his cousin Maurice was jealous of him and stories of his encounters with white women in Chicago egged him on knowing ths would get him into serious trouble. Roy Bryant and J.W. Milam were found not guilty.
Click the image to open in full size.Click the image to open in full size.

Rosewood yeah know all about it. 

Freedom's name is mighty sweet soon one day were gonna meet keep your eyes on the prize hold on. Saw it more times than I count over the last 20 years.

Medgar Evers civil rights activist murdered in his driveway in Jackson, Mississippi by Byron De La beckwith in 1963. De La Beckwith was found guilty of the murder in 1994. His wife Myrlie Evers-Williams was chairman of the NAACP from 1995-1998.

4 little girls killed in bombing at 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL in 1963. Killed were Addie Mae Collins - 14, Cynthia Wesley - 14, Carole Robertson - 14 and Denise Mcnair - 11. Robert Chambliss aka Dynamite Bob was convicted in 1978. Two others were convicted in 2001 and 2002.

The leevees were blown up after Katrina to protect the French Quarter just as it was after Hurricane Betsy in 1965.

Eleanor Bumpers a black woman killed in the Bronx in 1984 shot by police officers who came to evict her from her apartment.

Amadou Diallo an immigrant killed by New York police who fired a total on 41 shots in the Bronx in 1999. 

Who and what other piece of black history do you want to talk about...

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