Monday, April 18, 2011

SF FLASH MOB VIDEO !! USuncut, Ruckus Society and BLO teach BofA a lesson in FUN

US Uncut, in collaboration with The Ruckus Society and Brass Liberation Orchestra (BLO), kicked off Tax Day weekend (Friday afternoon 4/15/11) in San Francisco with a flashmob at Bank of America and told them to "PAY UP!"

Bank of America is the #1 largest bank and the 5th largest corporation in the U.S., but it pays less in taxes than the average American household! If they and their corporate tax dodger friends paid their fair share of taxes (like the rest of us), we wouldn't 'need' to slash community services in the budget.

It's time Bank of America pays their taxes! So we took action to tell them just that.

Dozens of activists took Bank of America employees by surprise downtown San Francisco Friday, by breaking out in a song and dance in the middle of the bank, to the tune of Salt-n-Pepa's classic hit, "Push It", re-mixed as "Pay Up!"

Check out the list of actions against Corporate Tax Dodgers happening around the country this Monday ( and join a Tax Day action near you!

*Many thanks to our partners at The Ruckus Society for support throughout this action and for this action report!

Video Credits:

Videographers: Regan Brashear, David Martinez, Andy Menconi, Rooz Tahamtanzadeh, Jeff Taylor and Luke

Music: Brass Liberation Orchestra

Editing, Subtitles and Original Lyrics: Leslie Dreyer

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