Saturday, April 30, 2011

Slave Labor & ALEC - Join us in Cincy April 28-30th for a protest and Workshops!

Bob Sloan  Daily Kos,

I have been writing and informing others about an insidious lobbying organization that serves as the core of right wing conservatism for more than a year now - here on D Kos and elsewhere.  This is the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and they try and justify their very existence - and avoid taxes and reporting donations and secretive legislative activities - behind a label of "educating" and "training" state lawmakers on how to write effective legislation at the state level.
The entire membership has a Conservative driven agenda that has brought our society to the brink of bankruptcy - state and personal - through their efforts of imprisoning over 2 million of us to create a captive workforce in America.  They use that workforce to fill the jobs we once held with prisoners making pennies an hour.  This increases corporate profits and denies necessary jobs for the rest of us.
They are funded by the likes of Koch Industries and 300 other corporations that profit from the laws ALEC is able to get each state to enact; prison privatization, PIECP to allow member corporations access to those they've imprisoned, union busting, right to work and laws attacking collective bargaining - to mention just a handful of their most recent efforts.
This month we want to start a campaign to stop ALEC's unchecked pursuit of incarceration for profits and begin taking our jobs back.  On April 29th many of us have agreed to meet and protest ALEC.  They are holding their "Spring Summit" that weekend in Cincinnati, Ohio.  This is the day that the orders and efforts of the corporate elite - such as Charles and David Koch - are put forth as marching orders to the thousands of lawmakers representing every state, who will attend (paid for by your tax dollars).  ALEC serves as the face and voice of the Kochs and those corporations working to change the landscape of America - from incarceration to jobs, deregulation to no taxation upon the rich.  Ohio is ground zero for this protest as Governor Kasich is a former ALEC ALUMNI!  He'll no doubt be in attendance at the Summit to speak and reap the rewards and accolades from fellow ALEC members for his efforts at Union busting, prison privatization and eliminating public sector jobs.
Many other conservative Alumni will be there.  Republican Presidential candidates always attend these events to give speeches and mingle with the underworld of conservative politics.  Here is a link to ALEC's Agenda" on the 29th.  Keep in mind that this is their Spring "Task Force" Summit.  At this event they will be setting their sights on 2011 legislation beneficial to their corporate members and supporters. Let's add our loud voices to their whispers behind closed doors.  This has never happened before and will fill them with worry about what may happen at their next Summits or Annual conferences!
Ohio Activists have worked hard and fast to put together a protest for that weekend. to give us the chance to make our voices heard. Here is a link to the website that will inform of the issues, allow each of us register to attend and participate.  They have been able to secure permitting and a public space for the protest and have found a way to provide housing for those of us coming from out of state.
I will be there to inform and help "teach" others how to overcome the influence of this nest of political vipers that have preyed upon us for so long, while hiding behind a curtain of secrecy.  This is the first effort of calling these people out and it provides us, as a collective society a unique opportunity to not only say "no" to their continued agenda, but also to stand up and spit in the face of the Koch brothers.
Bring lots of signs, lots of water to form the spittle needed to do just that.  I'm hoping to see many of you there where we can meet and greet and take these bastards on in the streets.  They have always had their way without real interference.  Join me there to show them the day has arrived when all of that stops!
STAND UP FOR JOBS, UNIONS AND YOUR OWN FUTURE AS AN AMERICAN by attending and lending your voice to the millions nationwide who have been doing that for more than six weeks now in places like Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, Nebraska and many other states.  Let's help others give ol' Kasich and the other ALEC Alumni and sitting members a raucous greeting!
Remember what the ALEC acronym really means to us today: American Legislators Exemplifying Corruption!

Originally posted to Bob Sloan on Thu Apr 07, 2011 at 07:00 AM PDT.

 52 comments if you go to the link

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