Friday, April 15, 2011

Verizon confronts Pirates in DC. Way to GO!

Event: Direct action against a corporate tax their doorstep. Bring your chants! Bring your signs! Bring IT ON! This is going to be a good time.
Target: Shhh... it's a secret. Hint: Can you hear us NOW? Pay your taxes.
Location: Union Station, meet up at the Center Cafe in the Main Hall.
Meet-up: 11:30 a.m. Time of Action: 12:00 p.m.
Bonus: Author Nick Shaxson, who recently wrote a book on tax dodging and tax havens, may be participating in a "guerilla book signing" at this event. Check out Nick Shaxson's website:
Theme: Full on creative action. If you can sing, sing! If you play a musical instrument, play a musical instrument! If you can get your hands on a pirate outfit (i.e. 'treasure islands'), then definitely dress up like a pirate (not required).
US Uncut Demonstration * Friday April 15 * Important Information
• This is a non-violent, non-destructive demonstration. It is also supposed to be light hearted, fun, and creative. We will not verbally or physically confront any employees or customers, they are not our enemies.
• There will be an “action” group that participates in an action inside the location and a “support” group with signs, banners, and music to demonstrate outside of the location.
• If there are security guards, police, or employees blocking the entrance to the location, we will not enter the location and instead sit-down outside.
• We will not comply with requests from employees to exit the location. However, we will comply with any requests from law enforcement.
• The support group outside of the location will have a large banner, signs, posters, etc. This group will play music, hand out flyers, sing and chant, etc.
• The support group will not block free access to the location doors and will not block free pedestrian access to the walkway.
• Each person must determine the level of her or his involvement and participation. There are risks involved with participation in either the action or support group. We have no leaders, no structure, no support lawyers, and no network to get bail money if you are arrested.



Edit— Nick Shaxson (RT from Twitter)
Edit— US Uncut DC

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