Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Weekend of Rage: Protests Planned Against "Parasitic" Bank of America

Furious families across America are planning protests at local Bank of America branches on Tax Weekend, April 15th - 18th. Expected protesters include: 

-Homeowners wrongfully denied solutions to keep them in their homes.

-Taxpayers incensed that Bank of America and other corporate giants pay no income taxes.

    -Account holders enraged at excessive fees.

    -Voters afire over the improper almighty influence which big banks yield over elected officials.

    -Small business owners and consumers who are qualified for financing, yet are denied loans.  

    Chris Hedges elaborates in his call to action: "We will picket the Union Square branch of Bank of America, one of the major financial institutions responsible for the theft of roughly $17 trillion in wages, savings 
    and retirement benefits taken from ordinary citizens. We will build a miniature cardboard community that will include what we should have—good public libraries, free health clinics, banks that have been converted into credit unions, free and well-funded public schools and public universities, and shuttered recruiting centers (young men and women should not have to go to Iraq and Afghanistan as soldiers or Marines to find a job with health care). We will call for an end to all foreclosures and bank repossessions, a breaking up of the huge banking monopolies, a fair system of taxation and a government that is accountable to the people.
    The 10 major banks, which control 60 percent of the economy, determine how our legislative bills are written, how our courts rule, how we frame our public debates on the airwaves, who is elected to office and how we are governed. The phrase consent of the governed has been turned by our two major political parties into a cruel joke. There is no way to vote against the interests of Goldman Sachs. And the faster these banks and huge corporations are broken up and regulated, the sooner we will become free...The big banks and corporations are parasites...
    We don't need leaders. We don't need directives from above. We don't need formal organizations. We don't need to waste our time appealing to the Democratic Party or writing letters to the editor. We don't need more diatribes on the Internet. We need to physically get into the public square and create a mass movement. We need you and a few of your neighbors to begin it. We need you to walk down to your Bank of America branch and protest. We need you to come to Union Square. And once you do that you begin to create a force these elites always desperately try to snuff out—resistance."

    Scheduled protests include: 

    Monday, April 18th 4:30PM
    Wells Fargo Bank 
    90 South 7th Street 
    Protesters will march to Bank of America

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