Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What Is A Tax Haven? . . . And Which One Is Right For You?

What Is A Tax Haven? . . . And Which One Is Right For You?

Okay, let's talk NUTS and BOLTS here.

You have tons of money to protect, right? You want to get this down pat before making horrible errors in judgment or fail to convince the folks who must protect you that you are resident somewhere else other than where you really are.

SECRECY demands you "get this right" - so after a little low down on the types of sheltrs and havens - escape artist is more than happy to update you on how to get the right skype, OOMA account (he forgets googlevoice!) but also tells you the exact phone to use ... Hey! how 'bout PBX? That's for the next article.

For SECRECY Is key; avoid being bugged. You're supposed to live there right? Don't give your actual location away.

Why worry about the alphabet soupers getting onto you? They used BCCI and most probably have their own offshore account. So what's the problem? They don't want The Game to end any time soon! They're the same CLASS as you ....

Panama! Austria! Dominican Republic! Cayman Islands! Vanuatu! Djibouti! Bahrain! Bermuda! And More! What'll tickle your fancy the most ?? Choices! Choices! What FUN !!

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