Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wisconsin Republicans Repeal Paid Sick Leave:

posted by: Robin Marty 2 days ago
Wisconsin Republicans Repeal Paid Sick Leave

First, the union workers in Wisconsin nearly lost their right to collective bargaining, with Gov. Scott Walker illegally passing legislation without a quorum in senate and  then defying a court order and publishing the law in an attempt to make it official while waiting for a court ruling on the law.

Now, just as I predicted a few weeks ago, the Republicans in the state have done away with Milwaukee's ordinance mandating that all companies above 10 employees must provide at least five days of paid sick leave per year.  And to ensure that employees have no rights, they've broadened the ban on requiring paid sick leave to the entire state.

Via The Progressive:

On Tuesday, the state assembly passed a bill, 59-35, that will not only void Milwaukee’s ordinance; it will also prohibit all other cities and counties in Wisconsin from offering paid sick leave on their own. The state senate passed the bill earlier in the year, when the Democrats were in Illinois.
This “is an assault on democracy, local control, and working families,” said Dana Schultz, lead organizer for 9to5, National Association of Working Women. 9to5 was one of the prime movers behind the ordinance.
“It’s just outrageous,” says Ellen Bravo, who helped found 9to5 and served as its national director until 2004. “They couldn’t convince the voters, and they couldn’t convince the court, so they went to the people they know they had in their pocket.”
Paid sick leave is not just a "benefit," it's a near necessity in order for a person to be able to stay afloat economically or raise a family.  A worker who cannot afford a day off for illness or another factor is a risk to the business, either by being dangerously distracted or infecting others.  Making a worker choose between a day off to care for him or herself or a family member, or potentially not being able to pay their bills or even lose their jobs over missing time is bad for employees and businesses.

But it's where we seem to be heading with corporate interests looking desperately for places to cut spending to show profit.  Removing all benefits like paid sick leaves, paid vacations, the ability to negotiate pay raises and dropping minimum wage rules allows them to continue to show gains for their shareholders and investors.  And corporations will continue to spend their dollars on electing politicians who will push these laws rather than create livable working situations for their employees.

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