Thursday, May 12, 2011

LGBT & Handicapped Protest GOP Cuts and Anti-Gay Amendment

Video by Bill Sorem
St. Paul, MN, May 11, 2011. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transexual (LGBT) groups and Minnesota’s handicapped joined forces at the Minnesota State Senate session to protest the proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage and a number of cuts to services as part of the GOP Cuts Only Budget.
The protest against the amendment was very emotional and principled, but the effort failed as the Senate passed the Constitutional Amendment by a vote of 38 to 27. It now goes to the House before it will be placed on the 2012 state ballot. There was no further action on social service cuts, but the senate session was interrupted by noisy acts of civil disobedience in the senate gallery. Four people were removed from the building, but none were arrested. See more : I’d Rather Go To Jail Than Die In A Nursing Home.

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