Thursday, May 5, 2011

~ Billionaires Thank Legislators ~
Thanks for keeping our tax rate lower than the middle class (and the poor)

Keeping us at an effective tax rate of 7.7% for the wealthy, compared to 10.3-12.5% for the middle class, is an important priority for the Minnesota Legislature.  Our servants - making under $11,000 a year - are paying 22.1%.  Nice!  Millionaires and billionaires make more campaign contributions to politicians and therefore have more influence while enjoying lower taxes. Isn't that just Maaaaarvelous?  Few politicians have the courage to stand up to US, the privileged few.  Aren't we fortunate? Let's keep it that way.

We applaud (clap! clap!) the proposed House cuts to the "service" sector- $411 million from higher education (resulting in $200 million in tuition increases), DNR cuts that will close 10 state parks, $1.6 billion from Health & Human Services (although we think those could have bit a bit deeper). a 15% cut in the State workforce, $22 million in cuts for schools, cuts to mass transit and economic development, also,.  As we say, Minnesota can balance the budget by cutting programs for the elderly, the disabled, both the poor and middle classes - surely, NOT by raising taxes on the wealthy, the uber rich, the privileged and the fortunate few !  It is far more important to bail out our banks then help out people.

CUT!    CUT!    CUT!    CUT!   CUT!    CUT!    CUT!    CUT!    CUT!   CUT!

Government, as we have said repeatedly, is NOT the answer.  What we need are corporate jobs.  Let's privatize.  Let's privatize everything including the prisons!  We applaud the proposals to cut or even abolish corporate taxes in the hope that corporations might provide a few jobs.  The record profit$ in 2010, helped us top 1% take home nearly 24% of the nation's total income.  And just think, these corporations created more jobs overseas than in then here (1.6 million versus 1 million).  Pretty attractive, don't you think?  We go globe trotting to see our nice new locations. We so enjoy these working vacations.

Our many thanks and best wishes to the billionaire Koch Brothers and their steadfast friends at the American Legislative Exchange Council, while we’re at it.

ALEC has legislators at state and federal levels across the country.  They are so very clever, too, secretly sitting at the tables and bars with Koch Industries, WalMart and AT&T executives.  They are working, working, working (not like these "welfare slobs") together to craft and spread legislation that limits the power of unions while cutting back on all that excessive pay and benefits for the public sector.  Please, sweeties ask for and encourage your representatives to join ALEC.
Nothing like something that furthers our billionaires' agenda and Minnesota is doing a fabulous job at putting our feudalistic legislation forward this session!  They are so very helpful.  We'll get to keep those tax loopholes, subsidies, and publically paid kickbacks to our friends. 

Let's further drive down wages by weakening public sector unions!  It's just great for corporate profit$ and for corporate owners and their minions by taking the time to weaken those pesky public sector unions.  It may not be so great for the US economy, it sure is good for globalISM.  This is an excellent time to be w-e-a-l-t-h-y.  Just think about it our way- "My word!  Isn't it wooonderful that now just 400 people own more wealth than one-half of the American public combined." A good friend of ours, a hedge fund "manager" is making up to $20 million a week. We say:  "Way to go!"  Corporations are sitting on record profits and evading taxes as never before. Why, our Oil/Gas Cowboy friends showed us how to do "it' –

Oil giant Exxon made $34 billion of net income in 2009, but paid no income taxes in the United States.
Of this year's taxes, just $200 million were paid in the U.S." That's a 1% tax rate…

The bank$ter$ caused the deficit crisis. We need more lovely money.  The Greed Factor is our reason for living, but we want you legislators to be sure to pin it on the vulnerable, the public sector workers and the unions.  We are very grateful you are doing such a fine job at this.
Wars Improve Corporate Profits
We have our priorities and the continued wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya are great for that bottom line.  Alliant Tech, Blackwater/Xe and Halliburton have seen steady growth in profitability with the endless expansion of the War Machine.  Nothing like endless war to stimulate the economy, boost our profit$ and keep people from looking too closely at the ongoing class war here at home.  You, yes, YOU, support the war$ for oil and water!  Send DC more of your lovely money - so far MN has given $24 bn in taxes for wars.

Watch our pertinent video on youtube as we are Pleased with Draconion Cuts and Thank Legislators. Contact Women against Military Madness to oppose the Billionaires' agenda.  Billionaires for cuts ask you to help us keep taxes low or nonexistent for billionaires. 
We love personal notes and valentines so email us at
Or contact WAMM at 612-827-5364.  Ta Ta for Now!

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