Tuesday, June 28, 2011


To the friends of US Uncut Minnesota,

I will have to put out a new press release.  The one attached was a DRAFT release.

The camping permit is DENIED.  No official confirmation but by the St. Paul police.  No reason has been given and I was asked what I intend to do.  My intention is: to move forward with a much needed protest/rally/healing "ceremony" for those suffering under the hands of those who would take away our rights and our survival.  The doors of our Capitol and other government buildings being locked is a horrendous thing.

The shutdown is a DONE DEAL.  They have no time left to prevent it as they cannot write the legislation in time, print it and call a Special Session.  There is no "miracle" about to occur.  

Not giving the camping permit is an attempt to KEEP PEOPLE OUT OF TOWN or a cynical ploy to avoid taking responsibility for the citizens who come to Saint Paul to protest a very real outrage that has been given to them by forces from outside our state.   The right wing has PLENTY of money to come here and cause people trouble and they issue orders top down.  The problems created in Wisconsin and Michigan and other states should be avoided here. The price to do that is not very high.

Our first Amendment rights are being denied by the City of Saint Paul, supposedly by the Parks and Rec Department.  I was notified via the Saint Paul police department, Commander John Vomastek, 651-253-5644.

We need a very good lawyer right away and of course a FB, TWITTER, telephone campaign to ensure our concerns are heard every day of the shutdown.  Only a strategy of persistent resistance will end the violence and cold-bloodedness of a shutdown.  We totally stand behind OUR Governor and the Attorney General as well.  They have fought for our most vulnerable citizens.

We stand at a historic moment in Minnesota. The locking of the doors of OUR Statehouse.  When those doors reopen is not known.  In the meantime until we get our government back working at fulfilling their oaths of office I suggest we treat each with compassion and kindness.  We are closing 77 State parks Thursday.  We are leaving people without funds to pay rent and mortgages, our revenue stream into the state abruptly stops.

But thus far, the type of cynicism we are seeing about us being able to influence our government being denied.  It will be the death of democracy and the powers that be have played entirely into the Conservative right's hands by this action.

Giving out the "messenger's phone number" will not help us at this point:  We still have not been told WHO IS IN CHARGE here.  There will be NO state government in a matter of hours.  Their "war plans" should have included the possibilities I am suggesting since January in the Saint Paul police department.

I and those who have worked with me for many months, are not responsible for what happens when angry people come to the rally now nor in successive days. 

I am not their Commander - and the right wing works top down unlike our NONVIOLENT protestors who support Our Governor 100%.

Why can 500 canoeists be given a permit for Hidden Falls but we are denied one?

Perhaps a joint press conference by moveon, the other 98%, Vets for Peace, the IWW and other interested parties is in order for tomorrow?  We can announce our dissatisfaction and pitch our effort to get food in food banks as the SHUTDOWN occurs.  We have worked diligently and hard to build the most successful coalition in Minnesota history and continue to "drive the conversation.

May this shutdown be brief. Don't let the GOP have time to say "Oh, the numbers were wrong!  Let's "negotiate" some more.")

Virginia Simson
(founder:  "Camp no State and/or City Parks")

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