Wednesday, June 15, 2011

THE MESSAGE MINNESOTA, this is a one page flyer

Tax the Richest 2% to Prevent Reckless Cuts to
Public Services
The Republican all-cuts budget is the wrong choice for Minnesota.
It protects the richest 2% and large corporations at the expense of everybody else... 

Working Minnesotans: It will slash 30,000 public and private sector jobs when 200,000 Minnesotans are already unemployed. 
The Middle Class: It will increase property taxes on homeowners, renters and small businesses by more than $1.4 billion over the next four years. 
Safe Communities: It will reduce supervision for offenders on probation, and cut support for battered women and crime victims. 
Students: It will slash public colleges and universities by $411 million when more students need an affordable education to succeed in a tough economy.  
Seniors: It will hit seniors hard with higher property taxes, and slash their critical transit services and health care. 
The Sick, Disabled and Vulnerable: It will take away health care from 140,000 Minnesotans and eliminate crisis support
for 20,000 disabled adults in poverty.

Call your state legislators: 1-855-508-6472
Free call: just punch in your zip code to speak to your legislators.
Tell them to tax the richest 2%
 to avoid a government shutdown and risky cuts to public services.
It’s time to stand up!

An injury to one is an injury to all.

Enogh is enough.  It's time to Chop from the Top!

We will win!  You can't run a government that doesn't have enough revenue coming in.

Revolution 2.0 will be shared, "liked" and tweeted.  We will win!

FIGHT BACK Rally, Minnesota State Capitol, 
Thursday, June 30th, 3 - 7 pm

1 comment:

  1. what makes you think the top 2% don't pay taxes now?
