Saturday, June 25, 2011



Invest in MN rally, 10 am.

Our Parade permit granted: ASSEMBLE at Kellogg Park, Kellogg Boulevard & Wabasha Street, 1:30 pm, march @2 pm. BRING SIGNS !! WHISTLES!! DRUMS !
Rally at the Capitol, Thursday, June 30th, 3 - 7 pm.
From 3 - 5, if a shutdown occurs we will be giving PINK SLIPS to all GOP legislators
@5 pm - the doors to the Capitol are LOCKED.
5-7 pm - speaker rally. People who will be hurt by a shutdown/social cuts will speak, Money Outta Politics will speak, Vets for Peace Tom White, and many other surprise speakers - people from ALL communities have been invited to speak.
If your group has a message on FIGHTING BACK - please call 612 492 1411, ASAP.
At 7 pm, AFSCME has the Capitol lawn. They will doing a ceremony @ 9 pm to LIGHTS ON the Capitol. Bring a flashlight!

WE HAVE APPLIED TO THE CITY OF ST. PAUL FOR A CAMPING PERMIT for low-income people who want to stay since ALL State parks will be closed. "Camp No State Parks" will hopefully be established with lights and water available until the shutdown ENDS.

Planning meeting @Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, 7 pm, Monday 6/27, 285 Dale Street. PLEASE GET INVOLVED !! There will be a paypal account for DONATIONS. We need them. Teeshirts available for $15. Phone: 612 492 1411.

There will be a website, established to help people find shutdown actions and rallies!

Hundreds of workers have taken early retirement to avoid foreclosure and other financial hardship in anticipation of a shutdown.

We will hold a rally of support for the workers and their families and to discuss how to defend our state next steps, rain or shine!

We ask that YOU come and tell your friends, neighbors, relations and co-workers attend.

Bring food for a food shelf for laid off workers and to supplement the food shelves during July and August when poor families have children at home to feed, but are low on donations.

Also bring a flashlight as we intend to be staying around the Capitol til dark - (just remember, no camping out or falling asleep). PLEASE PICK UP YOUR OWN TRASH !!!

We plan to deliver hundreds of pink slips to GOP legislators who are STILL collecting pay for not doing their jobs: which is to provide health and safety for all Minnesotans.

Enough! The People must circle the wagons, now. Citizens must ban together.

Enough is enough. Join with US Uncut Minnesota and its friends to say that our citizens come FIRST. We all rely on the State funds for healthy living choices. Now it's time to get people ON the page. Poverty does not mean second class citizenship; we contribute to the state, too. People need clean water. The People need State park spaces. They shouldn't filling up their own potholes! And 12,000 people should not be facing going to nursing homes; it's more expensive in the long-run. The ALEC/GOP "plan" is to bankrupt our communities and get unelected receiverships in place, ala Michigan. We must defend Minnesota now.
Enough with politicians who rule out ending tax cuts for millionaires being called "serious" about the deficit. We're serious, too.

Enough with talk about tax cuts for billionaires helping the economy when over the last ten years household income did worse than during the Great Depression. (1) On June 25th, the GOP is continuing to say that we need trickle down economics as it's a "recession." Well, we beg to say, there is PLENTY OF MONEY. NO human services need to be cut. NONE.
Enough with politicians being called "courageous" for proposing the end of Minnesota Care in order to pay for tax cuts for the rich.

Enough with Republicans holding the country and our state hostage for further cuts while unemployment and foreclosures remain rampant, while the cost of food, gas and health care go up, and while families around the country fall into poverty.

Enough. We are not broke, and there is a better way out of this. Join with us to say: tax millionaires and billionaires instead. Close corporate loopholes, too. And STOP the cuts!

We would like to get the Chamber of Commerce to Minnesota say whether they support this unfair tax system and all the cuts as they did during the session - OR do they want to stop squealing about the loss of revenue during the SHUTDOWN? We want to know why the American Legislative Exchange Council is writing MINNESOTA law - out of state.
Why should the poor continue to pay 21.1% in tax in MN, while the billionaires pay 7.7%!! AND we get our services cut when we are vulnerable. Everyone is one accident away from DISASTER.

This is a networking FLASH MOB !! Bring treats to share, if you like !
We can do enough to end this stalemate !!

Support our Governor now and stand STRONG 

and united.

(1) Last Ten Years Of Wage Gains Lower Than During The Great Depression, Think Progress, June 3

We need donations to pay for Porta-potties, trash receptacles, medical supplies, transportation and an adequate speaker system. People are asked to print their own flyers at their own expense, which can be emailed to you via

We will soon have a paypal donation link. We appreciate your support.
See you there, because even if there is not a SHUTDOWN for many it will be their last day of work. Rain or shine.

So pass this AROUND virally. 

GOAL; 60,000 peiople fighting back!! (with lots of support)

See US Uncut Minnesota FB page, USuncutMN twitter, and

This is an ad hoc Committee of Concerned Citizens to STOP the MN State SHUTDOWN.

Tax the rich! Stop the tax subsidies to corporations! End the draconian cuts! NO CONCESSIONS!

Fight Back 2.0 will be shared, "liked" and tweeted.  We will win.

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