Saturday, June 11, 2011

Sign this petition - "like" the Facebook page!! Labor DAY upWising !

We the People are Demanding our Democracy Back - The Petition Site

Stay updated - "like'' our Petition Facebook Page Sign up to attend Washington DC protest: facebook event page
Sign up to organize &/or attend a local protest: facebook page

Please help build & publicize a nationwide non-violent PEOPLE's uprising on Labor Day 2011. The protest will demand an end to corporate welfare, tax loopholes and a rescission of Bush Era tax cuts for the top 2%.  Help make Labor Day 2011 the beginning of a National People's Movement. As one person said in discussing the importance of WE the PEOPLE showing up in massive numbers on Labor Day 2011... "If you can, go to the Nations Capital. If you cannot make it there, go to your State Capital. If you cannot make it there, go to you local City Hall. But the important thing that day is that EVERYBODY GOES SOMEWHERE!" - quote from Steven Thomas Evans.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting about Labor Day 2011 uprising US Uncut MN. Anyone interested make sure to like our facebook page - and join us. We need all the help you can provide. - In Peace Rose
