Thursday, June 23, 2011

State Shutdown info from Dept. of Human Services

Information available about possible state government shutdown
The state currently does not have an approved budget after June 30. DHS and other state agencies are planning for a possible government shutdown if an agreement is not reached. Gov. Mark Dayton has filed with Ramsey County District Court a list of critical government services (PDF) he recommends be continued in case of a government shutdown. This list recently was expanded to include payments to providers of critical services. A page with additional shutdown planning information, including notices sent to program clients and business partners, has been added to the DHS website. More information about state government contingency planning also is available on the Minnesota Management & Budget’s BeReadyMN website.

Provider payments for critical services now included in shutdown proposal
The Dayton administration has expanded its proposed list of services that would be provided during a state government shutdown to include provider payments for services that are critical to life and safety. In addition, the administration will propose that newly eligible people be allowed to enroll in these programs. A court will decide what services will be provided if a budget is not approved by July 1. Programs that will continue under the governor’s proposal include: Medicaid, MFIP/DWP, General Assistance, Minnesota Supplemental Aid, refugee cash assistance, Group Residential Housing, MinnesotaCare, Food Support, Minnesota Food Assistance Program and Adoption Assistance.

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