Wednesday, June 29, 2011

We're Lucky to Have Gov. Mark Dayton

This letter writer says the 2 percent of Minnesota income earners should be taxed more.

To the Editor:
One of my Grandmothers lived in a rental home until the end of her life. She always had a very tight budget. My other Grandmother utilized a home health aide. This helped her stay in the home she loved longer than she would have been able to.
Under the current Republican “all-cuts” budget, supported by our State Senator Al DeKruif and Rep. Kelby Woodard, both of my Grandmothers would have been hurt.
For the Grandmother who rented, their budget would have ended the renter’s credit for her. This would have left her less money for food, medications, and other necessities.
For the Grandmother getting assistance from a home health aid, their budget would have cut money from that program which would have left her with no option but to move in to a nursing home. Ultimately this would cost the State a lot more money.
My Grandmothers are examples of the real people the Republican’s “all-cuts” budget would hurt. Real people that would include 85,000 seniors and disabled persons who would lose their renter’s tax credit, and 5,800 seniors and disabled persons who would lose community/home based services. Grandmothers, Grandfathers, Senior Citizens, and others who have worked hard all their lives being told that they must give up programs on which they depend.
It saddens me that our local representatives have chosen to protect the wealthiest 2% of Minnesotans from sharing the burden of our State’s budget deficit at the expense of these individuals.
Governor Dayton was right to veto their budget. We’re lucky to have a Governor fighting for our seniors and the middle class.
Shawn Groth

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