Tuesday, June 7, 2011

WI Police Tackle, Arrest Credentialed Reporters     Video from The Uptake

These are edited “highlights” of police arresting photo journalist Alex Noguera-Garces at the Wisconsin Capitol after she video taped police locking the doors to the building. Alex is working with The UpTake’s Sam Mayfield on a documentary about Wisconsin trying to take away workers’ rights. @0:32 you can hear Sam Mayfield say “She’s with the press” to which the police officer says “then you can go too”. @1:00 Alex pulls swings her wrists that are holding her camera and brings out her camera. Sam takes the camera. The officer lunges out of the elevator and tackles Sam. @1:21 the police officer is asked “why did you tackle a reporter”. “I didn’t tackle her” says the police officer. “yes you did” respond several eyewitnesses in the crowd. “Why don’t you let her go, she has credentials? She has press credentials.” “She’s obstructing an arrest” replies the police officer. “Why are you arresting her in the first place, she’s a member of the press.” “Because I filmed him closing the doors” says Alex . “I was filming you closing the doors and that was it. I was in the building. I did not resist arrest once, I did not want my camera taken away from me because I felt it would fall on the floor that is what happened. ” Sam: I want that camera not to fall on the floor. It’s my brother’s… “It’s evidence” says another police officer . “So what are we being held for right now” says Sam “So why did you grab me ? “I told you to leave before and then we had more come in.” said the arresting officer. “I was inside the capitol building, why on earth would I leave?” “Excuse me, she’s shaking and trembling , we need to give her a moment . Excuse me. Excuse me. This is not safe right now. Do you see what’s happening to her ?

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