Thursday, July 21, 2011

18 current articles on ALEC

Koch, Exxon Mobil Among Corporations Helping Write State Laws

Bloomberg - Alison Fitzgerald - ‎6 hours ago‎
The corporations, both ALEC members, took a seat at the legislative drafting table beside elected officials and policy analysts by paying a fee between $3000 and $10000, according to documents obtained by Bloomberg News. ...

Pro-Business Group Drafts "Model" Contracting Bills for State Legislatures

Project on Government Oversight (blog) - Neil Gordon - ‎14 hours ago‎
POGO has found several contracting measures among the cache of bills posted by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) on its ALEC Exposed website. CMD created a stir last week when it posted the full text of more than 800 model bills ...

VOICES: Statehouse Inc.

Facing South - Phil Mattera - ‎20 hours ago‎
The blame for this rests in no small part with a shadowy organization called the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Thanks to a WikiLeaks-like initiative by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), we now know a lot more about the way that ...

Website Exposes Big Business' Influence Over NH Legislation

Public News Service - ‎Jul 20, 2011‎
The site,, targets ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, a powerful group funded by lawmakers and at least 300 corporations. The new website shows hundreds of "model" bills, which served as blueprints for such legislation as ...

Save Democracy: Tell Corporations to Dump ALEC

AlterNet - Mary Bottari - ‎Jul 19, 2011‎
The Center for Media and Democracy discovered ALEC is behind corporate political control, and now is the time to fight against the sale of our democracy. Sign up to stay up to date on the latest Civil Liberties headlines via email. ...

ALEC Exposed: Milton Friedman's Little Shop of Horrors

Huffington Post (blog) - ‎Jul 18, 2011‎
(ALEC) This week the Center for Media and Democracy made available to the public over 800 ALEC "model" bills and resolutions on a new website, We display the documents, crafted by corporations, and right-wing state legislators behind ...

Commentary: Vos and model legislation from corporations

Journal Times - ‎Jul 19, 2011‎
As ALEC's model legislation is reviewed, a pattern emerged that until now was only suspected. The similarity of legislation proposed and passed in states like Ohio, Florida, Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin could not be accidental - all have obvious ...

Protests Planned for ALEC Annual Meeting in New Orleans August 5th

Death and Taxes - Dj Pangburn - ‎Jul 19, 2011‎
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)—a club for corporations and right-wing state legislators and governors—is holding its annual meeting in New Orleans August 1-6th. Protests are planned for August 5th ...

Why Anarchists Should Protest the ALEC Conference in New Orleans, August 5th

Infoshop News - ‎Jul 18, 2011‎
The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is coming to town! They are a bunch of nasty fuckers who bring corporations together with state legislators so corporate lawyers can hand pre-written bills to the politicians, who then try to get the ...

ALEC Exposed: Business Domination Inc.

The Nation. - ‎Jul 18, 2011‎
In the world according to ALEC, competing firms in free markets are the only real source of social efficiency and wealth. Government contributes nothing but security. Outside of this function, it should be demonized, starved or privatized. ...

Can US Hold Corporations Accountable Anymore? - Dave Johnson - ‎Jul 18, 2011‎
“On July 13, 2011, the Center for Media and Democracy unveiled a set of over 800 "model" bills and resolutions secretly voted on by corporations and politicians through the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). ...

At last! But what inspired media heat on ALEC?

Milwaukee Labor Press - Dominique Paul Noth - ‎Jul 18, 2011‎
It's all fascinating to many of us who wrote about ALEC before this new wave of investigative reporting. But we would all be remiss to not remember the nonpartisan warning shot that started it all. It came from a pointed but mildly inquisitive blog by ...

Exposé: How Corporations and the Wealthy Write and Pass Bills at the State Level

Uprising - ‎Jul 18, 2011‎
The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) published an expose of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) this week. ALEC is an organization that brings together corporations and conservative state lawmakers with the stated purpose “to conduct a ...

Media reports focus on ALEC, corporate ties

Lawrence Journal World (blog) - Scott Rothschild - ‎Jul 18, 2011‎
The Kansas Legislature has worked on several ALEC-inspired bills, including a resolution criticizing the EPA for greenhouse gas regulations, calling the regulations "EPA's regulatory train wreck." ALEC also advocates for the repeal of federal health ...

ALEC Exposed Website Reveals the Corporate Influence in State Legislation

Death and Taxes - Dj Pangburn - ‎Jul 18, 2011‎
The Center for Media and Democracy has launched a website called ALEC Exposed, which details the various “model bills” championed by corporations and currently moving through Republican-led state governments. ...

Koch Brothers' ALEC Tentacles Creep Into Your State

truthout - Allison Kilkenny - ‎Jul 18, 2011‎
Thanks to the work from the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD), investigative journalists like Beau Hodai and The Nation's exposé, we now know that ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council), a front group for major corporations, ...

Wisconsin Bills Connected to Koch Bros/ ALEC - ‎Jul 17, 2011‎
The Center for Media and Democracy has obtained files from a whistleblower who worked at ALECALEC ( American Legislative Exchange Council) Is funded by Koch Bros. ALEC has around 800 Bills and Resolutions they have given Conservative lawmakers. ...

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