Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ALEC Exposed - Model Legislation Leaked


By now you may have heard the news that ALEC's Model legislation was leaked. After the April protest, one of our organizers was sent over 800 documents which continued the model legislation. In order to facilitate organization and journalism, the Center for Media And Democracy and the Nation worked together for over a month and have just released the documents and the first of the articles on the leak.

I encourage you all to to to to see the documents for yourself and make connections with legislation introduced in your statehouse. Please help spread the word about this treasure trove of right-wing legislation. If you find a connection, let CMD know and write about it yourself, the more people hear about this, the greater the impact.

Don't forget, we are having a protest in August at ALEC's big yearly conference in New Orleans.

Ben Stockwell

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