Monday, July 11, 2011

ALEC will be in New Orleans from August 1st through the 6th

March to the Marriott!

ALEC will be in New Orleans from August 1st through the 6th to meet in their task force committees and write up their new model legislation. Activists in New Orleans and Cincinnati have been putting together a demonstration to call attention to this extreme right wing network of legislators and corporate interests, and we invite you to join us on August 5th in New Orleans to speak truth to power!

We need you in the streets if we are going to have a successful push back against ALEC's efforts. We must show ALEC that we know what they are up to behind those closed doors and we wont be silent about it. And we must also show the leaders of the progressive causes (the unions, social justice campaigns, environmentalists, etc.) that we too have had a "snootful" of the way things are run in Washington. AFL-CIO President Trumka said that what working people want is an independent political movement that looks after one goal, helping working families. He couldn't be more right.

Working people are tired of how corporate interests can be so closely tied to our government and yet there seems to be no opposition. The Democrats have failed us on both the national and local fronts. Whether it be in Illinois where Gov. Quinn supported changing the laws pertaining to union membership to shrink the size of their public sector unions, or President Obama's willingness to cut Social Security and forgotten campaign promise to support the Employee Free Choice Act. Across the country people are looking for an alternative to the two corporate parties, and the unions are beginning to realize they should be playing that role. 

The unions are OUR organizations, made up of working people like us. They are not beholden to corporate dollars, but are rather dependent on the support of working families. The only way to push back against ALEC's anti-worker, anti-immigrant,  and anti-environment campaigns (not to exclude any of the important issues they work on) is to unite behind the unions in a struggle on the streets and in the halls of government. Every election cycle the unions spend millions and donate so much time and labor supporting the Democrats which could be much more effectively used electing real pro-labor candidates and organizing for progressive social change.

Please join us in New Orleans on August 5th to stand against these ALEC led attacks on working families and to stand united for a independent progressive movement of working people.

In solidarity,
Nathan Anderson
SLAP LSU, co-founder & member at large

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