Friday, July 22, 2011

BOOKS / Rick Ayers : Marable's Malcolm Bio Hits and Misses

Malcolm X in 1964. Photo by Marion S. Trikosko for U.S. News & World Report / Wikimedia Commons.

Malcolm X and the right of resistance:
Dr. Marable's book fills in gaps
but misses on Malcolm's core vision

By Rick Ayers / The Rag Blog / July 18, 2011

Malcolm X was a towering figure of the 20th century, connecting the wave of Third World revolutions sweeping the globe with the Black Liberation Movement inside the U.S. While the powerful seek to domesticate the man and tame his legacy -- a narrow self-help guide or high school lesson on pulling oneself up by the bootstraps -- his deeper contribution to the central liberating struggles of our time continues to resonate.

More from the Rag blog article here.

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