Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Do it now dossier: Help stop this latest attack on jobs – send an email to your representatives in Congress today.

Dear LIUNA Action Network Member,
Congress is considering two versions of the Highway Bill – a House Republican plan that would destroy 630,000 jobs in the first year alone or a Senate plan that creates and protects jobs. The Highway Bill is the single largest job-creating legislation in the nation, and an investment that highlights our nation’s ability to do big things.
Tell Congress now not to lock in failure by passing the House Republican Highway Bill.
The House Republican Bill cuts investment by a third, would destroy jobs for years to come, cripple our ability to compete in the global economy and lead to deterioration of our transportation systems. The U.S. Senate plan would maintain the current level of highway investment and strengthen a foundation for growth as the economy improves.
In the first of three special teleconference calls aimed at mobilizing members to fight this attack on jobs, more than 1,000 LIUNA members last week committed to help their fellow members deliver the message to Congress that the House Republican Highway Bill kills jobs. Join your brothers and sisters in this effort now.
Help stop this latest attack on jobs – send an email to your representatives in Congress today.
LIUNA General President Terry O’Sullivan took the message to Congress Thursday, testifying before a U.S. Senate committee on job-killing cuts in highway and bridge work proposed by House GOP leaders and the need to pass a Senate plan that will continue to invest in our transportation system and create good jobs for the men and women who build America.
Watch General President O’Sullivan’s testimony right now – then, send an email to your member of Congress, telling them we need to create jobs and rebuild our roads and bridges and create real assets for taxpayers, instead of putting more than a half-million men and women out of work.
Thank you for making a difference.

LIUNA Action Network

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