Monday, July 11, 2011

hot links: Grover Norquist

Our Debt Soup Not Created By Just One Party
Investor's Business Daily
By ROBERT J. SAMUELSON Posted 07/08/2011 06:35 PM ET Just in case you hadn't noticed, no one has elected Grover Norquist to anything. Still, he looms as a major obstacle to Congress reaching a deficit-reduction agreement needed to raise the federal ...
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Conservatives get behind prison reform
Arkansas Times (blog)
“The Democrats are still afraid of a Willie Horton moment,” says Grover Norquist, who heads Americans for Tax Reform. “Everyone's been terrified of being the person to legalize crack.” For reform to succeed politically, he says, it needs to be led by ...
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Who's The Real Puppet Master In Washington?
Lez Get Real
There is no one on the left who exerts as much power over the decisions and policies of our politicians as Grover Norquist. The Associated Press's Charles Babington, in a July 4 article about Norquist, wrote “Democrats, meanwhile, use Norquist to paint ...
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The Kabuki Theater of the Debt Deal
But some are more worried about being targeted for defeat by anti-tax crusader Grover Norquist and have been searching for semantic detours around his no-new-taxes pledge, which many of them signed. And while Obama's party has spent months accusing the ...
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Pledges Become GOP Litmus Test
Wall Street Journal
The most famous: A pledge to oppose all tax increases, initiated 25 years ago by Grover Norquist and his group, Americans for Tax Reform. Each initiative—at least five groups have sponsored a pledge—has drawn signatures from some of the top GOP ...
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Blogs1 new result for Grover Norquist
Grover Norquist: The man who killed tax increases - The Week
By The Week
The anti-tax activist holds no office, but wields enormous power in Washington. What are his goals?
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