Thursday, July 28, 2011


What we need

  • A welfare state that ensures everyone has a decent standard of living free from poverty
  • A government that commits to full employment
  • A welfare system based on need not moral judgements
  • A government that acknowledges and respects the work of dedicated DWP staff
  • To end low pay that leaves people dependent on means-tested benefits.

What you can do

  • Challenge the myths when you read them in the press, hear them in the media or if they are repeated by people you know
  • Discuss the issues raised in this pamphlet in your trade union, community organisation or political party
  • Lobby your MP against welfare cuts and privatisation, and for full employment
  • Support our campaigns and those of others like Gingerbread, the National Pensioners’ Convention and Defend Council Housing

All 24 pages are on the link above. Should be done for the United States ..

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