Saturday, July 9, 2011

Medicaid Budget Crisis - What It Means for Long-Term Care

The Center for Personal Assistance Services (PAS Center) at the University of California San Francisco held a webcast at noon on Thursday, June 23rd, 2011 focusing on the potential impact of the federal deficit reduction proposals on Medicaid funding for long-term care services and consumer protections.  Congress is debating plans that would dramatically reduce federal funding for Medicaid and would weaken or eliminate services and consumer protections. The Nursing Home Reform Act, eligibility for nursing home care and home and community-based services, spousal impoverishment protection, and numerous other federal Medicaid requirements may be changed or eliminated. National experts discussed:
·         The impact of "global caps" on federal spending on people who depend on Medicaid for long-term care as well as the Medicaid block grant passed in the House Budget Resolution.
·         What may happen if the federal role in Medicaid funding and regulation is reduced.
·         How to explain the potential impact of Medicaid cuts, block grants, and global caps on spending to the community.
The PowerPoint presentation and 75-minute webinar have been archived and are available for members to review on the Webcast and Webinar section of the PAS Center website.  Presenters were as follows:
·         Ellen Nissenbaum, Senior Vice President for Government Affairs, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
·         Jennifer Beeson, Director of Government Affairs, Families USA
·         Toby Edelman, Senior Policy Attorney, Center for Medicare Advocacy

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