Saturday, July 2, 2011

The most diverse and honest rally in MN history left uncovered

Although our numbers were far smaller than anticipated for a parade and march, there were several unique and outstanding features.

First our thanks to Carl Gibson and Steve coming, as at zero hour, they stepped up to the plate and took on the GOP as the ineffective and tainted negotiations were conducted.

But of our biggest achievement was the DIVERSITY of participants.  We honestly feel that our attempts to get EVERY community in Minnnesota largely suceeded.  There were representatives of most of our tribes, handicapped people, people of color (only the Asians sent no representative), women/men ratio was totally equal - and the common element was that we all understood Corporate Tyranny.

This is the issue that is largely covered up in the press.  Surprisingly, Fox News did the best and most comprehensive coverage to explain our presence as the government shutdown.

What was sad was the devisiveness and solo suzuki behaviour of other "leftist" groups and anti-poverty "activists" in working together to expose the fact that budget is the symptom, not the disease.

Over 35 activists marched uphill for two miles in 98 muggy degree weather through Downtown Saint Paul.

Because the press would not attend our rally in the Rotunda, after a few good speeches, we moved our mass right over to them and the Governor's office to deliver pink slips to the GOP negotiators.  Carl took over the Governor's reception office entirely forcing the old Tim Pawlenty THUGS to come racing out.  He spoke for the workers who were LAID OFF and forgotten by the press.

Meanwhile, US Uncut Minnesota took over the live feed to chastise and shame the media which was arrogant and lazy.  (and of course, that never made the news!)  They act like all us poor people should crawl under a rock so that they don't feel uncomfortable about what a pathetic job they do and the meanness with which they treat the disabled and the poor - something that went on the entire Legislative session.  Fox News did the best job of covering us and The Real Issues.  (yes, really.)  Eventually, the media (including so-called alternative media) were served pink slips, too.

This shutdown will only end with CITIZEN PARTICIPATION and the Democratic Party had ample time to lead a movement to do that.  Instead, at 4 pm, one hour before shutdown, they all bolted - to collect salaries! which about 35,000 employees were fuloughed or retired to prevent economic hardship !!  So THEY were served pink slips, too.

The national and State media made it look as if my JOB at the Capitol is to flirt with the Troopers rather than deliver a US Uncut message.  That's how sick things are at the Minnesota State Capitol.  The truth is this:  We have more education, agitation and organizing to do.  But this was the best coalition in MN since the 1950s.

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