Friday, July 8, 2011

MPR on the state of the SHUTDOWN

The Daily Digest
Posted at 6:46 AM on July 8, 2011 by Tom Scheck (0 Comments)
Filed under: Daily Digest
It's the eighth day of the shutdown. It will be the longest state shutdown in the nation since 2002 if it goes through Sunday.
No talks are scheduled for day. Gov. Dayton put forward the last offer on Wednesday. GOP legislative leaders haven't made a budget offer since the shutdown started more than a week ago.
The Mondale/Carlson Commission suggests permanent spending cuts and tax hikes on income, alcohol and cigarettes. The proposal wasn't fully embraced by any of the sides in negotiations.
Commission Co-chair Wayne Simoneau discusses the "third way." Listen to the interview here.
GOP House Majority Leader Matt Dean writes an open letter to Gov. Dayton.
The Department of Human Services is a complex agency at the heart of the budget battle.
The Star Tribune talks to Minnesotans with an annual income of $1 million or more and finds that some are hostile and others are lukewarm to the plan.
Grover Norquist, who has never seen a tax he likes and said he wants to drown government in the bathtub, says Dayton is a "fanatic on taxes."
Gov. Dayton had a fifteen minute conversation with Rep. Rich Murray, R-Albert Lea earlier this week.
Shutdown Impact
Minnesota's bond rating has been downgraded.
A judge ruled that licensing operations at DHS can continue.
The GOP is making hay out of Dayton keeping his chef and housekeeper on as essential staff. Dayton's spokeswoman says the governor is paying the chef out of his own pocket.
Tidbit: The House and Senate haven't laid anyone off. A senate spokesman says they will reconsider at the end of July when carry forward fund start to run out. A House spokeswoman says they'll reconsider at the end of August.
The shutdown forces a Duluth mental health facility to close.
MPR says the shutdown's impact on business will only increase.
Iowa's lottery sales have ticked up as a result of Minnesota's shutdown.
A detective for the Commerce Department is at odds with his top brass over whether his work is essential or not.
Former Governor Arne Carlson and Wendell Anderson are a few retired constitutional officers who want to continue receiving their retirement checksduring the shutdown.
Some visitors to state parks on the north shore are disregarding the shutdown.
Food inspectors will be shorthanded at fairs.
Under the Dome
DFL Sen. Linda Berglin took a job with Hennepin County. She wouldn't say if she'll leave her post in the Legislature

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