Thursday, July 14, 2011

MPR on the state of the SHUTDOWN

Shutdown stories from across Minnesota

Posted at 9:57 AM on July 14, 2011 by Paul Tosto (0 Comments
My colleagues at MPR's Minnesota Today page have been compiling stories of the state government shutdownfrom newspapers and other media across Minnesota.
Here's a quick look at some of the stories they've highlighted.

Shutdown: Lives put on hold: Brainerd Dispatch
Minnesota's government shutdown is leaving a countless number of citizens in limbo.Because state offices that issue licenses aren't operating, many people can't work or face serious business losses because they can't get the paperwork needed to do their jobs.

Duluth School Kitchens Wait Inspection: Duluth News-Tribune
The shutdown could affect the use of new school kitchens and elevators in Duluth, which must be inspected by state employees who are now laid off. Without kitchens inspected, the district would have to find another way to feed students. That could mean catering, but the district would have to weigh that cost against delaying the start of school.
At least 40 districts in the state are dealing with this issue.
As the state government shutdown drags on, food concessions at smaller county fairs and festivals statewide are going uninspected by the state Department of Health due to a dearth of available staff.
Property damage, mounds of stinky garbage and, yep, poop - both pet and human - are piling up along some of Minnesota's most scenic spots, thanks to the enduring state government shutdown.

State Shutdown Leaves Some Veterans Unable to Pay for College: Northland News Center
As of July first, veterans who were expecting payments from the State Tuition Reimbursement Program will have to wait until the government is up and running.

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