Wednesday, July 20, 2011

New Minnesota budget links, roundup on #MNShutdown

What's in the bills? A summary
Here is a summary of some of the bills that have been released and how they differ from initial proposals. Check back throughout the day as more bills are posted. Those include some of the largest, most contentious appropriations, like K-12 education and health and human services. The total spending listed in bold refers to the state's general fund.

State aid to cities figures to be flat
Cities will receive the same amount of local government aid this year as last year, though that’s a cut of about 19 percent from the promised amounts, according to the deal between legislators and the governor.

Tax bill restores LGA funds for cities of the 1st class
The tax bill hasn't been posted yet but the House Tax Committee chair is sharing some information about the bill. Rep. Greg Davids, R-Preston, says the measure will keep funding for state aid to cities, known as local government aid, at 2010 levels. That's similar to the Senate bill that passed in the regular session and less money than Gov. Dayton had proposed in his budget.

Bonding bill winners: universities; losers: St. Paul, Mankato, Rochester, St. Cloud
The big winners in the $500 million bonding bill are universities across the state.  The losers? St. Paul, Mankato, Rochester and St. Cloud.

K-12 bill focuses on rural schools and student performance
House K-12 Finance Chair Pat Garofalo, R-Farmington, says the bill makes some needed changes that he argues will improve the state's schools. Garofalo said the state will start linking effectiveness to student achievement. He said teachers will start to be judged on student performance, rural schools will see more money and students will start receiving $5,000 scholarships from the state if they graduate early.

Higher ed takes biggest share of $500 bonding bill
A $500 million bonding bill unveiled Tuesday evening gives a big boost to projects at the state's colleges and universities.

Public Safety and Judiciary bill the first on its way to Dayton's desk
The $1.8 billion Public Safety and the Judiciary bill, containing cuts to the state Department of Human Rights and legal and civil services, became the first to fully pass in Tuesday’s special session.

Cuts and compromise on environmental bill
The environment bill negotiated between Gov. Mark Dayton and lawmakers includes some budget cuts and some compromise on policy issues.

Legacy funding bill resurfaces, with few changes
When the Minnesota House adjourned late on May 23, the last item of business was spending $450 million over the next two years in so-called Legacy money.

Bill cuts funding for higher education by 10%
In the next two years the University of Minnesota and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system will each receive a little over a billion dollars in state aid, 10 percent less than they received in the previous two years.

Some policy changes remain in K-12 agreement
Republicans and the governor have reached a deal on K-12 education that strips some hot-button policy provisions but retains a variety of changes.

House and Senate pass Health and Human Services bill
Less than two hours after the Minnesota House passed the Health and Human Services bill this morning, the Senate gave its stamp of approval.

State transportation cuts lessened under agreement
Minnesota road, bridge and transit advocates are breathing a sigh of relief; the transportation bill agreed to as part of the state budget agreement doesn't cut transit funding as deeply as originally proposed and even contains some additional money for road maintenance.

Pared-down Transportation bill passes the House
The Minnesota House passed a $126 million transportation budget bill Tuesday that cuts $41 million from current general fund levels.  One of the biggest sticking points for Gov. Mark Dayton and Democrats in the transportation bill the governor vetoed in May was cuts to the Metropolitan Council, which operates Metro Transit.

Transit system dodges bullet with reduced funding cuts in retooled transportation bill
The Twin Cities regional transit system and its patrons dodged a bullet Monday when the Dayton administration succeeded in tempering the state funding cut that had been approved by the Republican House and Senate.

Minnesota Vikings stadium tabled by lawmakers; Team grumbles
It's official: No Minnesota Vikings stadium plan will be taken up during the special session this week, and possibly not even this year.

Minnesota Historical Society to reopen Saturday (assuming budget is resolved)
Just minutes before the special legislative session was slated to begin Tuesday, the Minnesota Historical Society announced that it will reopen its 26 sites and museums on Saturday, after a three-week closure caused by the budget shutdown.

Getting Minnesota government fully operational will take a few days
Getting Minnesota’s state government running again is going to take longer than many anticipated.

Minnesota government won't be able to reopen as easily as it shut down
Minnesota state government is a big, complex Rube Goldbergmachine that will take awhile to get up and running again.

Officials: Minnesota Government Restart Will Take Weeks
Minnesota legislators have passed a budget bill and a handful of others, and Governor Mark Dayton signed them Wednesday morning. The state government and all of its services are clear to restart, but workers are wondering when they’ll be called back to work.

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