Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Round up of #hackergate, Newscorp links
Justice Department is preparing to launch a preliminary investigation into whether News of the World officials engaged in a systemic conspiracy to pay bribes to British 

The cyber battle continues . . .
Online protest group "Anonymous" said Monday night it had obtained a large cache of emails from the servers of News International, the News Corp. subsidiary which oversees global media baron Rupert Murdoch's British newspapers.

Kevin Zeese We are now pushing them to go further as there is evidence of phone tapping in the U.S. A former Fox News producer, Dan Cooper, wrote about Roger Ailes of Fox knowing about an interview he had done about Fox before the story was published. The producer reported Ailes threatening his agent to drop Cooper as a client or never get any business. See also, "Has Roger Ailes Hacked American Phones for Fox News?,"​log/162016/has-roger-ailes​-hacked-american-phones-fo​x-news, "Naked Launch",​kedLaunch.htm, "Former Fox News producer claimed network’s ‘Brain Room’ led to phone hacking," which describes a "Brain Room" that was used for hacking phones, the former FOX employee helped to design the room,​/2011/07/18/former-fox-new​s-producer-claimed-network​s-brain-room-led-to-phone-​hacking. This article, "Rupert Murdoch's Other Hacking Scandal," describes cases settled by News Corp involving phone hacking in the United States,​og/201107180019, see also this NY Times report,​1/07/18/business/media/for​-news-corporation-troubles​​ml?hp. This article, "Will Jude Law's claim his phone was hacked in New York mean Murdoch will face court in U.S?" indicates that actor Jude Law believes his phone was hacked by NewsCorp when he was in the United States,​/news/article-2015624/Rupe​rt-Murdoch-face-US-court-J​ude-Law-phone-hacking-NY-c​laim.html?ito=feeds-newsxm​l. There are enough leads in these public reports for the FBI to expand its investigation and examine whether NewsCorp has been hacking phones in the United States.

 Tigana Too "Rupert Murdoch and Harper conspiring together to destroy canadian media", http://webcache.googleuser​​%3ADYtHC8Q4_S0J%3Agreenpar​​-09-06%2Frupert-murdoch-an​d-harper-conspiring-togeth​er-destroy-canadian-media+​Rupert+Murdoch+Canada&cd=1​1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us&clie​nt=firefox-a&source=www.go​

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