Saturday, July 23, 2011

Ruppert Murdoch's connection to the Shadow CIA's drug trafficking

Ruppert Murdoch's connection of the Shadow CIA's drug trafficking
     Australian authorities began investigating the shadow CIA's money laundering bank, NuganHand Bank headquartered in at Australia. The bank got its name from two guys who started it Frank Nugan and Michael Hand.   This bank developed into a story of Golden Triangle drugs, money-laundering, profiteering, corporate shell games, and financial fraud. 
     Michael Hand moved to Australia in September, 1967. At first Hand went to work selling development lots along the Australian coast. The company, Ocean Shores Development, was run by lawyer Fred Miller, a senior executive for the shipping empire owned by Sir Peter Abeles, the longtime business partner, Rupert MurdochSir Peter Abeles was the US MAFIA representative in Australia.
     Abeles and Rupert Murdoch just happened to own 55% of Australia's second biggest domestic airline - ANSETT.  ANSETT in turn just happened to own a 20% share in another airline - AMERICA WEST Airline.  Peter Abeles, a Mafia kingpin, was the schemer behind Australia's Nugan Hand Bank, the CIA's money laundering front.   America West Airlines has been linked to drug trafficking. 
     CIA officer Ted Shackley, who "had a good relationship with Murdoch when he was CIA station chief in Australia between 1972-1975.  Murdoch was facing the likely closure of his newspaper THE AUSTRALIAN.  This was around the time that Murdoch's fortunes changed. 
    Murdoch was running a failed national newspaper in Australia  Then suddenly he becomes a US citizen literally overnight and goes on an endless buying spree.
     In the run-up to the 1972 election, Murdoch's paper The Australian was a keen Whitlam supporter, donating some $75,000 in free advertising.  Murdoch's role was part of a longer-term CIA operation to destroy Labour's powerful leftwing and anti-Vietnam war movement.
     From 1960 until early 1967, the Australian Labor Party opposed conscription and then in  November 1964,  the dispatch of troops to Vietnam.  There emerged a modest anti- Vietnam war movement and the conflict with Edward Gough Whitlam over the Party leadership led him to toughen his initial stance which was based on the conviction that the Government's decisions to support the US policy in Vietnam were mistaken. In May 1966 the Parliamentary Labor Party endorsed Calwell's commitment that a Labor Government would pull conscripts out 'without delay' and regular forces 'as soon as possible.
( Source:  The Nixon Years, SOME UNKNOWN HISTORY OF THE U.S.)
  For related information about Nugan Hand Bank see
 The History of the Black Eagle Fund, the Shadow CIA and the relationship to the events of Sept. 11, 2001
The Development of the Shadow CIA using drug trafficking profits
     The Ruppert Murdoch's press now launched a massive propaganda campaign against the Labour Party and the National Country Party won the new election. The Shadow CIA gave Murdoch covert funds that saved his nearly bankrupt newspaper.
     One of the most successful CIA covert operations concerns the removal of Gough Whitlam, the prime minister of Australia.  As leader of the Labour Party he advocated the abolition of conscription and Australian withdrawal from the Vietnam War.  In 1971 he visited China promising to establish diplomatic relations. This left-wing stance was popular with the Australian people and onDecember 2, 1972 won election. 
The CIA had been running a variety of covert operations in Australia, involving Nugan-Hand bank.  The CIA and National Security Agency operated a Signal Intelligence base called Pine Gap, near Alice Springs in the Australian outback with collaboration of the Australian Security Intelligence Organization, ASIO.
 Many of the CIA's Australian initiatives were directed at keeping the Labor party out of office. When Gough Whitlam Labor party candidate became Australia's new prime minister, he began doing what any new chief of state would, moving to bring ASIO under his own control. As time passed Whitlam found alarming indications that the ASIO might actually be conspiring with
the CIA to bring his government down, including leaking information designed to embarrass members of his cabinet in order to force their resignation. Whitlam began sacking people at ASIO that he felt were responsible, including some of the CIA's best friends in Australia's foreign intelligence service.
The CIA helps topple the democratically elected, left-leaning government of Prime Minister Edward Whitlam. The CIA does this by giving an ultimatum to its Governor-General, John Kerr. Kerr, a longtime CIA collaborator, exercises his constitutional right to dissolve the Whitlam government. The Governor-General is a largely ceremonial position appointed by the Queen; the Prime Minister is democratically elected.

Murdoch did the same in Britain switching his support from the Conservative Party to the Labour Party in 1997. As we now know, the Labour Party followed a right-wing agenda after they came to power. A senior Blair secretary, Lance Price, reported in his memoirs that Blair always consulted with Murdoch before announcing any major policy decision. Blair is rumoured had been recruited by MI5 in the 1970s to spy on CND Campaign of Nuclear Disarmament activists in the Labour Party. He also took CIA funded trips to the United States in the 1980s. Gordon Brown also went on those trips so don't expect any change since he became prime minister. ...
By Robert Parry 
June 30, 2008 ... "One of the CIA's most senior covert action operators was sent to the NSC in 1983 by CIA Director [William] Casey where he participated in the creation of an inter-agency public diplomacy mechanism that included the use of seasoned intelligence specialists," ....

"This public/private network set out to accomplish what a covert CIA operation in a foreign country might attempt – to sway the media, the Congress, and American public opinion in the direction of the Reagan administration's policies."

South Korean theocrat Sun Myung Moon and Australian press mogul Rupert Murdoch, two far-right media barons who poured billions of dollars into pro-Republican news outlets that continue to influence Washington's political debates to this day.

Before every presidential election, Moon's Washington Times plants derogatory – and often false – stories about Democratic contenders, discrediting them and damaging their chances of winning the White House.

For instance, in 1988, the Times published a bogus account suggesting that the Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis had undergone psychiatric treatment. In 2000, Moon's newspaper pushed the theme that Al Gore suffered from clinical delusions. [For details, see Robert Parry's Secrecy & Privilege.]

As for Murdoch, his giant News Corp. expanded into American cable TV with the founding of Fox News in 1996. Since then, the right-wing network has proved highly effective in promoting attack lines against Democrats or anyone else who challenges the Republican power structure.

As President George W. Bush herded the nation toward war with Iraq in 2002-03, Fox News acted like his sheep dogs making sure public opinion didn't stray too far off. The "Fox effect" was so powerful that it convinced other networks to load up with pro-war military analysts and to silence voices that questioned the invasion. ...
      On August 18, 1985 CIA officer Thomas Cline and a 6-man CIA team begin installation ofsubliminal television equipment in Sydney, Brisbane and Perth.  
      In the book Acid Dreams: The CIA, LSD and the Sixties Rebellion by Martin A. Lee, he reports that a former unnamed CIA officer stated the CIA was committed to investigating whether or not subliminal messages could be used to influence the outcome of a political campaign. They were especially interested in using of subliminals in this way on television and radio.  In a January 17, 1958 declassified document, Operational Potential of Subliminal Perception, the CIA stated that it might be possible to include a subliminal message such as "Obey " in their subliminal projection and added that subliminal messages had achieved some success in commercial advertisements The CIA did experiments on subliminal messages under the MK/ULTA program. 
 And Learn more about the shadow CIA 
 The 1986 La Bella bombing was really done by Israel, not Libya
  - and the history of Israeli terrorism

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