Sunday, July 3, 2011

The SHUTDOWN stories start (and I have my own!)

H I G H L I G H T S   |   the most informative stories

Losing 'non-essential' services hurts
In St. Paul, Rhonda Nelson, who is deaf and blind, just lost her eyes and ears to the world. The aide who helps her go grocery shopping, to doctor's appointments, to the post office and other appointments has been deemed non-essential in the state government shutdown...."I don't know what I'm going to do," said Maria Vega, who owns Little World of Angels Daycare in St. Paul. Seven of the 12 children in her care get state subsidies, she said. Many have single mothers who can't afford it otherwise. She could lose $1,000 a week, but she's torn. "How can I say to the parents or kids that I'm going to close because you can't pay me?" she said.

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