Saturday, July 2, 2011

Simon: Republican Unwillingness to Embrace Dayton Offer is 'Shocking'

St. Louis Park representative says unhealthy extremism in place as state shutdown begins.

That is how St. Louis Park Rep. Steve Simon (DFL–District 44A) views what he perceives as a failure last night by Republican legislative leaders to embrace Democratic Gov. Mark Dayton’s proposal to raise taxes on those with annual incomes of $1 million and more as one way to help resolve the state budget impasse. With no deal reached, a state shutdown began.
“To me, that position is a ‘no-brainer’,” Simon said of Dayton's proposal. “I see it as being very reasonable.
“Clearly, the Republicans were willing to have the people of Minnesota go through not just inconveniences, but actually hardship for some, so as to not ruffle one hair on a very wealthy person’s head.”
The four-term legislator, who represents half of St. Louis Park and all of Hopkins, said he is “extremely disappointed and frustrated.”
“Right now, we need people who are willing to negotiate and not just do fake negotiations," Simon said. "Negotiations mean that both sides have to be willing to support things they otherwise wouldn’t support and I know personally that I would be willing to do that.”
Simon reiterated something he has said many times since the current session of the legislature convened back in January.
“An overwhelming percentage of Minnesotans support a balanced approach of both cuts in spending and reasonable revenue increases.
“When your feet are stuck in cement and you aren’t willing to budge, that’s not negotiating,” he said.
As of early Friday morning, Simon did not know when the negotiations would resume.
The Democratic members of the House are scheduled to have a conference call at noon today to assess the situation.
“Sadly, unhealthy extremism has been taking place at the Capitol,” he said.
The two other St. Louis Park legislators shared Simon's sentiment.
"The Republicans have decided they'd rather shut down to protect the wealthiest 2 percent of Minnesotans," said Sen. Ron Latz (DFL-District 44).

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