Sunday, July 24, 2011


#mpi23J Minute by minute: from indignant marches to globalrevolution

In this post we will be updating all related information to international meetings taking place during 23 july, the arrival of the outraged marches to Sol (Madrid).
We invite you to follow our livestream:
What is scheduled:
Saturday 23
- 2:00 p.m. International welcome at Parque del Norte*
We arrived at the “Parque del Norte” where there was a banner welcoming all people marching and arriving to the neighborhood.
The outraged march coming from the north arrived yesterday and camped :-)
Around 30 people  coming from different coutries, Russia, France, Italy, Netherlands, Greece, etc. joined the meeting and we had some lunch and then we held the asembly.
During the assembly we introduced ourselves, and the work that was done in the squares up to date.
We did several banners
We decided to have a big banner to march with it towards Sol,  the slogan of the banner “Rise up for the global revolution” :-)
- 6:00 p.m. March towards Sol* from a number of meeting sites
- 7:00 p.m. Concerts and welcoming ceremonies in Sol
- 9:00 p.m. All the marches reach Sol (We’ll take the square!)
- 9:15 p.m.- 00:00 am  Assembly where marchers will pool their experience, with connection via streaming to squares in other countries (Netherlands, Greece, Egypt, UK, Israel…)
- 12:00 midnight Silent shouting and stage play

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