Saturday, July 2, 2011

US Uncut Minnesota writes to the Star and Tribune

The corporate media is as much to "blame" for the shutdown as the GOP, the unions who did not lead and work with other groups, the Democrats who didn't lead and treat some of us as second-class citizens and the professional poverty industry. They followed every red herring story and continue to this day to not explain that the budget is NOT the problem. The budget is a symptom; the disease is money in politics and corporations who would GUT THIS STATE as quickly and cheaply as they possibly can and to hell with anyone who gets in their way. Corporate tyranny via the Koch brothers, American Legislative Exchange, Grover Norquist, Tony Sutton and a host of right-wingers have "played" this state and they are winning. To have not ONE legislator complain loud and long about the furloughing and retirements on SHUTDOWN DAY, the 30th, should tell the entire story. They are still being PAID. Get that? Still being paid and taking PAC money. Our message was not "Tax the Rich" - but "MONEY OUTTA POLITICS", "Thank you Mark Dayton" and "36,000 good reasons to STOP A SHUTDOWN" which we spread all over the known Universe. Only the MN media isn't hearing us. Will it ever? We doubt it. Enjoy your Saabs and Volvos guys while people begin a starvation diet. You deserve the pink slips we handed out .. "You're fired!" which you absolutely REFUSED to report on. We're going to keep handing them out while asking continually, "WHY ARE LEGISLATORS BEING PAID on a holiday weekend this sad? and every single weekend thereafter until the SHUTDOWN stops. While you are WASTING taxpayer dollars bickering about which sector of the US population will have to do without, so you can sell more newspapers, build more bombs, fight more wars, give 6 billions a 7.7% tax rate while I pay 22.1% on $8,200 per year, bail out banks and flex your flacid, arrogant muscles - the rest of us will try to find jobs, try to keep our homes, pay over $4 for gas and skip lunch, PRAYING we don't get sick .... Shame on you all who had a hand in this. Real cuts hurt real people.

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