Sunday, July 10, 2011

Welcome to WisCairo; TRUTH about deficit

Welcome to WisCairo

whiporwill:  You gotta hand it to the GOP. They’re using wars they started, tax breaks they didn’t pay for and a financial crisis they didn’t prevent all to justify massive cuts they’ve always wanted to make to the middle class. Machiavelli would be envious.   Definitely, but let’s not kid ourselves that they’re not the only ones doing this. Dems are taking plenty of their own initiative in delivering these cuts, too.


You gotta hand it to the GOP. They’re using wars they started, tax breaks they didn’t pay for and a financial crisis they didn’t prevent all to justify massive cuts they’ve always wanted to make to the middle class. Machiavelli would be envious.

Definitely, but let’s not kid ourselves that they’re not the only ones doing this. Dems are taking plenty of their own initiative in delivering these cuts, too.

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