Friday, July 29, 2011

What you can do about the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)


1. ALEC Politicians--Find Out Who's in ALEC!

2. Contact your Senators and Representatives. If they are on the list of ALEC politicians, confront them and work to defeat them in the next election. Spread the word in the media that they are on the ALEC politician list. Contact your legislators here: 

3. Tell Corporations To Dump ALEC!

4. Join the protest marches if you can. 

Protests Planned for ALEC Annual Meeting in New Orleans August 5th

Fight corporate greed! March to the Marriott! August 5

5. Send Letters to the Editor of your local and national Newspapers. Ask them why they aren’t reporting about this on the front pages of their newspapers. Locate media contact information here: 

6. Spread information about ALEC everywhere – Facebook, Twitter, blogs, social media sites, etc

7. If you have a website or blog, add links to ALEC EXPOSED:

We must join together. Our fight is about democracy, human rights, civil rights, and basic human decency. 

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