Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Because I Can: Need MN State Fair Volunteers

Because I Can: Need MN State Fair Volunteers

This is just one of many action items that I have done in relation to trying to educate people about ALEC.

This Saturday - September 3 until noon, max.
I am looking for three volunteers to help at the Minnesota State Fair.
We'll meet at 7am for breakfast - my treat, and so I can give you your stuff and we can talk a bit.

You have to know about ALEC - people who do not have a sound understanding of ALEC need not leave their contact info. (Leave me a comment - with your email/phone contact - I won't publish the comment - so no one will see it, 'cept me.)

What will you do?
Just walk around the fairground, enjoying the fair - wearing a t-shirt that says.
Ask Me About
NO hawking, No selling, NO approaching people - just walking around, enjoying the fair - waiting for someone to stop you and ask you a question about ALEC.

You need to be very friendly and conversational and dressed conservatively - we're not trying to scare people - we are trying to "educate" them. This has to be a friendly conversation.

When someone stops you, you will thank them for stopping you, ask them how they know about ALEC; how did they find out about ALEC, if they have any questions about ALEC (you HAVE to be able to answer questions about ALEC) and finally, would they like some materials about ALEC. This will weed out Repugs who would possibly take all our materials. This will also weed out people who do not need the materials, because they already know about ALEC - you may run into these type of people who know about ALEC and just want to talk about it. This will also weed out people who actually have no interest in ALEC - but are snoopy and don't really need or want the materials.

If they want the materials you will be giving them a handout that will include a copy of a report about ALEC (either the pfaw or cjc report - if you do not know what those are do not respond) and also a list of Minnesota ALEC members as the first page.

I'll supply the t-shirt (this will be my first attempt at lettering t-shirts)
I'll supply a limited amount of handouts per person
I'll give you $10 for lunch

You have to pay to get into the fair. You can bring a friend or family member (no litle kids please) to enjoy the fair with - as long as they understand that the ALEC purpose is why you are there - if someone stops you, you will talk with them, and it may take awhile.

This may seem prescriptive - but it's my money I am spending and I want to make sure it is put to good use.

We may have a total of ten people ask during the day - we may have none - since most people don't know about ALEC. It's all about exposure and my motto is if one more person finds out about ALEC - that's more than we had when we started the day.

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