Friday, August 5, 2011

Beware The Risen People, Part 1 of 3: Global Banking – A Criminal Syndicate Of Tyrants And Thieves!

I think this COULD have been better written.  The point is someone (foolscrow) is seriously exposing a very serious issue on a particular wavelength which strongly support.  People really must "get up to speed' on their knowledge re bank$ter$.  I have done a banking dossier since 2007 on and a peak dollar, peak oil. (read: Klusterfuck) swicki on the same.  Rarely have I seen articles taking the broad view of The Problem.

It's too long to publish in full, but it would make dynamite weekend reading for anyone willing to accept his somewhat black and white thinking.  It is indeed a criminal syndicate above the law and not so much "evil."  A full understanding of ponzi schemes is SO essential.

So a brief excerpt and then YOU hit the link . 

Beware The Risen People, Part 1 of 3: Global Banking – A Criminal Syndicate Of Tyrants And Thieves!

by Gabriel Donohoe
[On the evening before his execution by a British firing squad for his part in the Easter Rebellion in Dublin in 1916, Padraic Pearse etched a few lines from his own poem, "The Rebel", on the wall of his cell...
And I say to my people's masters: Beware
Beware of the thing that is coming,
Beware of the risen people
Who shall take what ye would not give...
Ye that have harried and held,
Ye that have bullied and bribed.
Tyrants… hypocrites… liars!
Pearse's words were directed at the rulers of the British Empire, but today they can be addressed to a cadre of criminal bankers and their political puppets who would impose financial slavery on us all.]
The World Awakens!
In a time of unprecedented global awakening, the peoples of the nations are rapidly becoming aware of how they’ve been kept in financial bondage for centuries. The veils of deception and fraud carefully woven by a malevolent Money Power[1] are being torn apart like spider web in a gale. The outrageous criminality imposed upon mankind for generations is finally exposed for all to see.
People are fast discovering how a cunning cabal of banksters[2] conned them into giving up their labour, their property, and their freedom. They now see how years of their precious energy and toil have been stolen from them by financial terrorists who have long kept humanity in a wretched state of debt, misery, and fear.
But now the tide of wakefulness is rising fast. A tsunami of anger and indignation is beginning to roll towards the banksters and their political camp followers. A worldwide revolution against villainy and corruption grows by the day. The masses are demanding truth and justice, and the cry of their fury is fearsome and foreboding.
Fraudsters beware! Beware of the hordes who are rising from their slumber. Beware of the people who have caught you pillaging. Beware of the wrath of the betrayed. Beware of the thing that is coming… tyrants… hypocrites… liars!
Fearful of the risen people, the criminal syndicates who run the world from behind the facade of governments and suborned global institutions are terrified of losing their ill-gotten wealth and privileges, and perhaps their lives.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Bilderberger and co-founder of the Trilateral Commission, recently addressed the Council on Foreign Relations in Montreal and warned his fellow elitist villains about this new “global political awakening”[3].
Brzezinski said: “For the first time in all of human history mankind is politically awakened – that’s a total new reality – it has not been so for most of human history.”
Brzezinski bewailed the fact that the whole world had awakened politically and was now “consciously aware of global inequities, inequalities, lack of respect, exploitation.” He lamented that an enlightened people would no longer tolerate financial slavery and serfdom nor would they allow the stealthy move towards a single world currency which would mean complete domination of the world by the international banksters.

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