Sunday, August 14, 2011

CALL out ALEC members in MN Leg NOW

We need your help and voices to fight back against the robbery of our democracy. We've already seen the 
results of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and a host of other 
states where ALEC runs the legislature and often the Governorship.  The results have not been pretty.
The American Legislative Exchange Council is responsible for the MN shutdown crisis. This is an organization 
dedicated to (to put it delicately) keeping the rich rich and the corporatocracy going. In other words, stealing 
from those of us on the bottom and ensuring that corporations get legislation enacted to their benefit!  It’s 
a merger of corporations and legislators that masquerades as a “charity," but is involved in enacting precious 
law, drafted and endorsed by corporations in secret. There is nothing educational about it.  ALEC is getting 
more widespread exposure than ever before, as many of the model pieces of legislation have been released 
by a whistleblower.  The right-wing Koch brothers and about 300 right-wing corporations are involvedThe Center 
for Media and Democracy has many great links and information on ALECWatch, including 800 predrafted and 
corporate-approved bills which are then cut-and-pasted to match a particular states prejudice.  Many led to
privatization of important government functions.
See to discover how they have broken Minnesota State laws on lobbying since 1995. or click the link -

The Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board has replaced the Ethics Board as the port of call to make our complaints:

Email the board:
Registration and Reports:

Economic Interest Statements:

General questions or comments:

You may also contact the Board as follows:

  • By telephone at (651) 296-5148 or toll free (800) 657-3889.
  • By TTY by calling (800) 627-3529 and asking for (651) 296-5148.
  • By fax to (651) 296-1722 or fax toll free (800) 357-4114.
  • By United States mail to:
    • Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board
      190 Centennial Office Building
      658 Cedar Street
      St. Paul, Minnesota 55155-1603

  • In person (driving directions and map to the Centennial Building).
We know that Comcast is this session's corporate sponsor, you might ask officials for a total of their contributions, too - that have been officially recorded.  Project Vote Smart always has good information on that issue as well as Follow the Money.

We have identifed many members, have an account of 20 years of ALEC donations to legislators, we have found the ALEC chair hiding her husband's membership fees and travel expenses, are identifying legislation that the "donations" have mandated, and are expecting more information to surface.

We know that the Minnesota ALEC chair for MN is Mary Liffmeyer.  Her phone number is - Mary Kiffmeyer (R), 1-800-920-5875.
And we know about these members being spotted at an ALEC "DO" in Minnesota March 4th at Bandana Square:

Rep. Matt Dean, Sen. Warren Limmer (32 – Maple Grove) W 651-296-2159 H 763-493-9646, Sen. Gen Olson
The following are admitted ALEC members in Minnesota; (some 37 others are listed but maybe someone paid their membership . and that would prove very interesting, eh?)
Sen. John Sterling Howe (R) 651 296 4264, (c) 651 278 4693
Rep. Mike Benson (R) 651 296 4378, (h) 507 993 1250
Rep. Joyce Peppin (R) 651 296 7806 (h) 763 428 4626

ALEC Task Force
Carol McFarlane
Minnesota Representative
Education  651 296-3135
Chris Gerlach
Minnesota Senator
Commerce, Insurance, and Economic Development Task Force  651 296 4120 (majority whip)  651 296 4120
Michael L. Beard
Minnesota Representative
Commerce, Insurance, and Economic Development Task Force  651 296 5377
Gen Olson
Minnesota Senator
Education  W651 296-1282 H952-472-3306
Pat Garofalo
Minnesota Representative
Education  651 296 1069
Sondra L. Erickson
Minnesota Representative
Education  ) 651 296 6746
Gretchen Hoffman
Minnesota Senator
HHS  651 296 6746
Paul Anderson
Minnesota Representative
HHS  651 296 4317 (h) 320 239 2726
Mary Kiffmeyer
Minnesota Representative
International Relations Task Force (see above)
Matt Dean
Minnesota Representative
International Relations Task Force 651 296 3018
Roger C. Chamberlain
Minnesota Senator
Public Safety and Elections Task Force
651 296 1253
Ron Shimanski
Minnesota Representative
Public Safety and Elections Task 651 296 1534, (h) 320 0112
Ted Daley
Minnesota Senator
Public Safety and Elections Task Force
 651 296 2907 (h) 763 784 8822ce
Linda Runbeck
Minnesota Representative
Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force  651 296 2907 (h) 763 784 8822
Pam Myhra
Minnesota Representative
Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force  651 296 2907
Bruce D. Anderson
Minnesota Representative
Telecommunications and IT Task Force
651-296 5063
Connie Doepke
Minnesota Representative
Telecommunications and IT Task Force 
651 296 4315
Mike Parry
Minnesota Senator
Telecommunications and IT Task Force-
651 296 9457

Steve Drazkowski
Minnesota Representative
Civil Justice  ) 651 296 2273, (h) 507 843 3711

Notice any pattern? Kind of contradicts ALEC's claim to be bi-partisan.   We would "guess" the following are also members: Kurt Zellers, Amy Koch, Geoff Michel, maybe Tony Sutton himself. How about Abeler, Hann? Garofalo?

(1) Pick up the phone one and call.  (2) IF you're unable to reach your chosen ALEC member immediately, wait a few minutes or hours & try again.  (3) BE POLITE! BE POLITE! BE POLITE!  (4) Instead of attempting to change the mind of the person picking up the phone just employ a SIMPLE message:

"Stop threatening the future economic health of the people of Minnesota by refusing to tax the rich."
"I think the health of Minnesotans comes before politics"
"This country was built on compromise, STOP being an obstructionist & do the j-o-b voters elected you to do. Fulfill your oath of office. Represent the citizens not the corporations and the rich."
"Driving the CHILDREN, the poor, the disabled, veterans, students, seniors off a financial cliff in order to WIN a victory against Mark Dayton and the citizens is UNACCEPTABLE & WRONG."
“Next election you are gone.”

A rant against ALEC&Co by USuncut Minnesota on Shutdown day:​ch?v=RiqBuTRMsvI&feature=f​eedf
POST SHUTDOWN action against ALEC:

And how about the MN corporate sponsors ? We need to call out Cargill and other companies eventually, too.
They want to gut our State and our resources as quickly - and as cheaply - as they possibly can. Graft is at new heights in Minnesota. And who is hurt in the process matters not one whit to them. I have posted on ALEC abuse at for months - and it's easy to subscribe.

Write and ASK your legislators - are YOU in ALEC? Did you use taxpayer money to go to the events? Are you ever ashamed of your greed and politicking when ALEC policies hurt REAL people?  Ask your DFL legislators why they say NOTHING about this when they know what is up.  It is important to realize that these ALEC "folks" caused and will continue to aggravate trauma and hardship for THOUSANDS of Minnesotans – particularly CHILDREN who don’t vote. They should all be RECALLED. Besides the lobbying money and perk$ they've taken, most accepted salaries during the shutdown. They do NOT pay tax on campaign funds, although we think that is INCOME. They stole democracy in our State -- and are aligned w/members probably in YOUR state.

Now it is up to us, We the People, to defeat them and their puppets as the media and politicos seem intent to play scared and not confront the real problem - a very deeply entrenched Conservative agenda in America's State houses.

Tweet this !! Like this!! Share this!! It's up to US. Boycott Koch products!!
Don’t let ALEC members get relelected.
Write the media and ask why they don't cover this important story.   #MNrecallGOP
MN statute to recall MN ALEC members
:                Facebook US Uncut Minnesota                  twitter: USuncutMN

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