Saturday, August 13, 2011

DO IIT NOW DOSSIER; (anti)Verizon petitions to sign

Virginia Simson, last weekend 45,000 Verizon workers went on strike. You only have to look at a few numbers to know why:
  • $258 million—the compensation for Verizon’s top five executives over the past four years.
  • $6 billion—Verizon’s annualized profits for 2011.
  • $6,800—the increase in health care costs each worker could face if Verizon gets its way.
While Verizon executives are swimming in oceans of cash, they are trying to kick their workers out of the middle class.
Show your support for these workers by signing our solidarity petition. We'll deliver it to the folks on the picket lines.
In solidarity,
Laura Clawson
Labor Editor, Daily Kos

ALSO, from CWA:

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