Thursday, August 4, 2011

/Federal Pledge Signers 112th Congress.pdf Pledge Signers 112th Congress.pdf

Taxpayer Protection Pledge
I, _____, pledge to the taxpayers of the (____
district of the) state of ______ and to the American
people that I will: ONE, oppose any and all efforts
to increase the marginal income tax rate for
individuals and business; and TWO, oppose any
net reduction or elimination of deductions and
credits, unless matched dollar for dollar by further
reducing tax rates.

235* Representatives and 41 Senators
For more information contact Adam Radman at

MN-02 John Kline (R)
MN-03 Erik Paulsen (R)
MN-06 Michele Bachmann (R)
MN-08 Chip Cravaack (R)

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