Thursday, August 11, 2011

How to Stop the #UKRiots #LondonRiots

Written by Fahim Ahmed and originally posted on Facebook: 

Please share widely.

1. We must get out on our streets and make sure that no one is brutalised by the police or our young people, that no homes are threatened by fire, and that the elderly, disabled, sick, pregnant and young are protected.

2. We, the community, must take RESPONSIBILITY for solving our problems.

3. We must promise our young people that we will listen to them and nurture them, and build hope for the future.

4. We must demand that the police drop charges against everyone being prosecuted, and declare an amnesty on all those who are being investigated. It will be a disaster if we let hundreds of children and teenagers go to prison. It is not a safe or positive place for them.

5. We must demand that the police stop killing our people, and end the culture of lying whenever they do kill our people.

6. We must demand that the police publicly admit the unlawful killing of Mark Duggan, Smiley Culture, Kingsley Burrell, Demetre Fraser, Ian Tomlinson, Jean Charles De Menezes, and the hundreds of others they have killed over the years. They must apologise to the families & pay reparations.

7. We must help the police to purge themselves of racist and ageist attitudes. We must encourage people to come and criticise the police constructively. We must hold the police accountable to the community.

8. We must demand funding for youth projects, youth clubs, better education, and investment in industry and infrastructure regeneration projects. This must be provided by the financial industry, especially the banks bailed out by public money.

9. We must demand the prosecution of politicians for engaging in illegal wars and committing expenses fraud, bankers and brokers for massive financial fraud, the tabloid media for phone-hacking, and police officers for killing people unlawfully and colluding with the tabloid media in phone-hacking.

10. We must believe in our strength, our ability to solve our problems, and our ability to negotiate these demands from the government, financiers, media and police.

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