Friday, August 19, 2011

Minn. GOP pays $170K penalty for illegal fund transfers

by Rupa Shenoy, Minnesota Public Radio
August 18, 2011

St. Paul, Minn. — The Minnesota GOP has agreed to pay a federal penalty of $170,000 because of illegal funds transfers and financial reporting omissions. The penalty comes as a result of a Federal Elections 
Commission complaint filed in 2007 by the Washington D.C. nonprofit Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics.

The FEC found the Republican party of Minnesota failed to disclose nearly $100,000 in debt in 2006. The same year, the party withheld retirement contributions totaling nearly $8,000 dollars to four employees. Also that year, state Republican party made illegal excessive transfers totaling more than $560,000 from its non-federal account to its federal account. 

In an agreement with the FEC released by Minnesota Republicans, the party says the errors and omissions were not intentional. GOP chair Tony Sutton said in a statement the party has taken steps to correct problems, including hiring an outside firm to produce financial reports.

Sutton did not immediately respond to calls for further comment. 

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