Thursday, August 4, 2011


Dear MoveOn member,
How angry are you at Congress right now? Tea partiers hijacked the debt ceiling deal—threatening to crash our economy to protect tax breaks for the wealthiest 1%—and most Democrats caved to their demands.1 
With Congress home for the summer starting next week, this is our opportunity to show how angry we are. The media and Washington insiders will be watching closely to see how voters are responding to the debt deal. This is the perfect time for us to turn up the heat, and turn the focus to what it will take to rebuild the American Dream.
We need to show Congress that we're sick of the cuts, and we want them to concentrate on creating jobs. That's why we're joining with partners in the American Dream movement to hold "Jobs Not Cuts" events at district offices nationwide.
We'll gather at congressional offices and turn our anger into energy for real solutions on jobs. But before we can, we need someone to volunteer to host an event at your local congressional office. Can you host an event on August 10 in Saint Paul? It's really easy and we'll provide everything you need.
Reuters reported yesterday, "Thousands of Tea Party movement activists are expected to descend this month on town hall meetings across key battleground states as part of an intensifying campaign ahead of the 2012 presidential and congressional elections."2 If we want to shift the battle lines to the left and work for real progress we need to be bigger, louder, and stronger.
If you've never hosted an event before, it's a simple and fun way to have a powerful impact. Just pick a location—we'll give you suggestions on how—and invite your friends. We'll make sure you have all the tips and tools you'll need to organize the event, and we'll invite other MoveOn members in your area to come. But first we need someone to host. Can you do it?
Thanks for all you do.

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